Options and extras for instax instant photos
To help you get the most out of your Photoflyer for instax activation we can suggest using different sizes, or different options and extras with your photoflyer.
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Photoflyer sizes.
Photoflyers come in various sizes, depending on your marketing and sales needs. Go for a small size when you want to have a portrait shot, or for a larger size when you want to capture more people, and when size matters.

This is the standard go-to size photoflyer. The photoflyer is just large enough to cover the original instant photo, only difference, you now have the ability to communicate your message on both sides of the picture.
works with:
instax wide, instax mini (portrait and pocket)

Tear-Off coupon
We developed the option to add a tear-off coupon, directly to the photoflyer.
Drive-up sales by adding a discount code on your coupon or increase your newsletter subscriptions by collecting data. Tear-off coupons are also often used to offer free drinks and/or products
works with:
instax wide, instax mini (portait and pocket)

Tear-Off duo coupon
When one coupon is not enough, we also have the option to add two coupons to the photoflyer.
works with:
instax wide, instax mini

Tear-Off multi coupon
When you work with multiple partners, or you want to add even more coupons, we also have the option for a multi (four) coupon photoflyer.
works with:
instax wide

Click, stick, and post directly. Transform your instant photo directly into a sympathetic postcard which you can send to your friends and loved ones.
works with:
instax wide

Postcard coupon
We developed the option that you can tear-off a coupon, directly from the photoflyer postcard. Helping you get the most out of your campaign.
works with:
instax wide
Want to add value to your campaign, try one of these options. Often used in combination with a tear-off coupon photoflyer.

Connect your offline and online world with Photoflyer. Add a (unique) QR-code to your photoflyers and send your customer to your app or website.
Our latest print technology allows you to add unique QR-codes to each Photoflyer.
works with:
all photoflyers

Measure your tear-off successes by adding a barcode. Scan it behind the counter and immidiately see return on your investment. All you have to do is add the barcode to your photoflyer, and we do the rest.
works with:
all photoflyers

Scratch-off layer
Add a scratch-off layer to your photoflyer to 'hide' the message behind. This can be a wincode or unique prices.
works with:
all photoflyers

Unique (win)codes
Create an efficient and succesful campaign by adding a unique code to your photoflyer. Generate store or online traffic, or use it for a discount.
Our latest print technology allows you to add unique wincodes to each photoflyer.
works with:
all photoflyers
To make your photoflyer even more special, we have several extras you can add to your photoflyer. We work with the latest Xerox Iridesse/iGen5 printer which gives you the opportunity to add the following extras to your photoflyer (possible with all sizes Photoflyer).
- Neon ink;
- Gold and silver ink;
- Spot varnish;
- Matt paper;
- Glossy paper;
- Unique die-cut.