Eleiko at FIBO Fair in Cologne
During the 2019 FIBO Fair in Cologne, Germany, Eleiko took photoflyers with them to the fair.
Photoflyers at your fair?
- Campaign: #EleikoEvo at FIBO 2019
- Location: Cologne, Germany
- Goal: online conversion (traffic to website)
- Tools: instax wide (regular) + QR-code
During the 2019 FIBO Fair in Cologne, Germany, Eleiko took Photoflyer with them to the fair. The photoflyers offered them an approachable way to get in touch with the visitors of the fair. Everyone loves to receive an instant photo, and photoflyers have a huge ‘stopping power’.
Once they took the instant photo and handed out the photoflyers it created a good moment for Eleiko to elaborate on their products and introduce the visitors to Eleiko.

Visitors could scan the QR-code on the photoflyer which led them to a free Evo Dumbbell course on their website. Via a personal login you got access to the course.